1 minute read

This is a brief theory introduction for the FFT for image correlation

How does FFT-phase correlation work?

The method is based on the Fourier shift theorem.

Multiplying \(x_n\) by a linear phase \(e^{\frac{2\pi{i}(n-1)}{N}m}\) for some integer m corresponds to a circular shift of the output \(x_k\) : \(x_k\) is replaced by \(x_{k-m}\), where the subscript is interpreted modulo N.

Similarly, a circular shift of the input \(x_n\) corresponds to multiplying the output \(x_k\) by a linear phase.

Mathematically, if \({x_n}\) represents the vector x then:

if \(F({x_n})_k = X_k\), then:

\[F({x_n * e{\frac{i2\pi(n)}{N}m}})_k = X_{k-m}\]

Let two images \(I_a\) and \(I_b\) be circularly shifted version of each other:

\(I_b(x,y) = I_a((x-\Delta{x})Mod(M),(y-\Delta{y})Mod(N))\),

where the images are M by N size.

Then, the discrete Fourier transforms of the images will be shifted relatively in phase:

\[I_b(u,v) = I_a(u,v) e^{-2\pi{i}(\frac{u*\delta{x}}{M}+\frac{v*\delta{y}}{N})}\]

One can then calculate the normalized cross-power spectrum to factor out the phase differences:

\[R(u,v) = \frac{I_a \cdot I_b^{*}}{|I_a \cdot I_b^{*}|}\] \[= \frac{I_a \cdot I_a^{*} \cdot e^{2 \pi{i}(\frac{u\delta{x}}{M}+\frac{v\delta{y}}{N})}}{|I_a \cdot I_a^{*}|}\] \[= e^{2\pi{i}(\frac{u\delta{x}}{M} + \frac{v\delta{y}}{N})}\]

Since the magnitude of an imaginary exponential is always one, and the phase of \(I_a \cdot I_a^{*}\) is always zero.

The inverse of Fourier of a complex exponential is Kronecker delta with the peak indicating the shifts of images at:

\[r(x,y) = \delta{(x+\Delta{x}, y+\Delta{y})}\]

where \(\Delta{x} , \Delta{y}\) are the shifts in X and Y directions between the images.
